Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year

Hope you all had a good Christmas. For myself, presents were OK - squeaky rubber chicken (still intact as we speak, but I'm working on it) plus some tuggy thing that my people had thoughtfully smeared with one of my biscuit treats to mask the smell of new plastic - as if! Bit of a disappointment on the food front though. Voices were raised concerning cooking times and fact that said bird had too much sage and rosemary twigage rammed up it's orifices. Upshot was, carcass was saved for distribution to the needy poor ( f**in' f*xes, pardon my French), and the actual good stuff binned. In the long run, even the carcass was dumped. As a result of this farce, I managed to be only  moderately whoopsie. Oh well, there's always next year.