Wednesday, 3 July 2013

A confession

After the Great Toe-Nail Cutting Disaster, I'm just getting back on an even keel, so to speak. A light breakfast followed by a trip round the Library Gardens, followed by a more substantial breakfast and a good kip should sort me out, or so I thought.

I have a problem with flat-faced dogs - boxers, pugs, those French thingies etc. - because, well, basically there is nothing to latch onto! And the ears aren't much to write home about either. But, I have to also say, that I was once bitten on the bum by a Boxer. Paws up, I had been giving it a hard time at training classes but it was still a bit uncalled for. Since then I've had this minor difficulty - fear, if you will.

So there's this American Pit Bull - really is: been in police custody, been castrated, number tattooed on its belly - that is allowed by its owner to charge about in the gardens ripping out young trees with its bear (bare - I know, but they are like a BEAR)  teeth, to say nothing of putting the beejaysus up yours truly. The owner is either too dim to understand that it HAS to be on a lead and muzzled in a public place, or he's training it up for something sinister. The police know, the dog warden knows, he's been warned but he still lets this rather large (and may I say, rather handsome) dog go charging around scaring the small and innocent Russells going about their lawful business.

Upshot is: I clapped on the anchors and all thoughts of 'walkies' were abandoned. Still had a decent second breakfast though. PS The claw is all healed. Thanks for your concern. Lx

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

I love you and I forgive you

If you were re-directed here from Facebook - hello, welcome. If you thought that, after many months blogging silence, I was going to dish the dirt on my master, simply because he had a slight slip with the toe-nail trimmers..............Oh, is that biscuit for me? And your left-over Chinese crispy duck too? Another biscuit? Tummy tickle? Over a bit to the left - that's right - down a bit.