Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Enough of the "Old Lady" already!

Ya see, it's coming up to my fifteenth birthday. That's right people - FIF-FUCKIN-TEEN! I was born 04/04/04, or as I like to put it "arf!arf!arf!" Soo let's see .... doggy years 7 times yooman years 15 and - Jeez - I'm one hundred and five!

The old brain starts to go of course. I haven't posted here for almost six years. Mind you, my people keep things up to date somewhere but they can only see things from the perspective of what I believe are termed "pet-owners" - that phrase fair makes you shudder, doesn't it?

You may have seen elsewhere that I have recently had "a bit of a cough". OK, I do myself no favours by scoffing down dried garlic sausage and then hacking it up but what can a poor dog do? Basically, the vet at the Chamber of Horrors ("Spare me the madness!") says it's the old ticker. More meds - as though I don't take enough already, more jabs in the scruff,  more staggering about like I was pissed, legs going and all that.

But here I am. Full of beans (well, sausage) and raring to go. Now, all together -- "There are dogs - and then there are Jack Russells!" Too bloody right. Speak soon. Love ya!